
Historical school building in Töölö
Etu-Töölön lukio

The Etu-Töölö High School building was designed by Hjalmar Åberg and has been in use since its completion in 1930. In a major renovation project completed in early 2022, the facilities were modernised and the historically valuable premises were kept as original as possible. Although the building is not protected in the zoning plan, it is rated as the second highest protection category 1.

Hepacon was the HVAC and energy designer for the Etu-Töölö High School project. The building underwent extensive building services renovation, and the energy efficiency of the school was improved through heat recovery and demand controlled ventilation. The ventilation in the rooms is controlled according to the number of users by means of carbon dioxide measurements linked to building automation. The school's heating system was converted to a geothermal-district heating hybrid system by drilling six geothermal wells in the school yard. The conservation classification posed challenges for the building services, but good design achieved a workable result. The building services have blended discreetly into the valuable spaces.

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